Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Mission Hump Day - maybe?

It's HUMP DAY!! Today marks 9 months since we began to serve our mission, and we have 9 months remaining in our original assignment; we are at the traditional mid-point often celebrated by missionaries. (We served six months in Argentina and have been back at home for three.)

Well, maybe it is Hump Day, and maybe it isn't. No one knows for sure.

It would have been Hump Day if we'd not been disrupted by the virus and sent packing for a mission intermission.

It might still be Hump Day if we are able to continue serving in some form and complete our assignment next March 23.
  • We could carry on with our "serve from home" mode that we are currently doing, coordinating humanitarian donations remotely via email and phone.
  • We could be reassigned to a different mission, domestic or international, to finish out our term.
  • We might even get back to Argentina to finish things up if we are really lucky and blessed.

But it might NOT be Hump Day!

If we continue to serve from home and then things open up for our return to Argentina at some point, we might be invited to extend our mission for an additional 5 months. So we'd actually get a new Hump Day, TBD!

Another option is that we are released at some point and then resume our service when conditions allow—who knows that that means for Hump Day?? (BTW I promise no camels were actually harmed in the creation of this post.)

In any case, we're still grateful to be able to serve as missionaries. We are performing a critical task in helping facilitate the humanitarian donations from the Church to hospitals and communities in Argentina and Paraguay. So we'll just let the camels take care of themselves for now and continue to do what we can to sustain and support.


  1. That is a bumpy road for sure, but in the end you are doing God's work. I just had a situation where a missionary was assigned to our Ward and went home but because of social distancing rules I never actually saw him in person. That was kind of weird, technically he could have been anywhere.

  2. Great visuals, but don't forget Mr. Gump's seven hump wump in One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. There may be more options out there than you are aware of!

  3. Two hump camels are definitely better than one hump camels. I think you should go for two.

  4. Life in limbo! We have a report date since our original report date got quarantined, but we aren’t sure if our new report date is actually a report date. Oh, and then there’s the debate about whether that report will be to a physical MTC or a virtual MTC if we actually do report on the random date we have been assigned for potential reporting!
